The director of the center attends a meeting Council for Research and Service Centers


The director of the center attends a meeting Council for Research and Service Centers

Prof. Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel, Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center, attended the first meeting of the Council of Research and Service Centers at the University of Anbar, which was held in the presence of Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Saleh Al-Nida, Chairman of the University, and the presence of Prof. Dr. Muthanna Muhammad Awwad, Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, and Dr. Qutaiba Farhan, Director of the Department of Scientific Affairs at the Presidency of the University.

The meeting discussed number of subjects, including periodically raising the minutes of the centers’ councils, activating the memoranda of understanding signed between our university and the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Ministry of Science and Technology, presenting the research plan for the year 2021-2022 and updating it periodically, the monthly activities of the government program, and updating the accounts of scientific sites Research gate, Google Scholar, presentation of Scival, Scopus reports, and teaching staff with the highest Hirsch coefficients (H-index). During the meeting, the president of the university stressed the urging to complete applied researches and attention to the quality of this researches in addition to publication in discreet journals and support of scientific conferences held by the university by urging the employees of the centers to participate in them as well as urging Members of the committee for preparing a guide for research and service centers for its completion within the specified period, and the President of the University expressed his thanks and gratitude for the efforts made to serve the scientific process in our university.


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