Towards drawing sustainable development policies through preparing databases


Towards drawing sustainable development policies through preparing databases

In accordance with the directions of University Presidency, in cooperation and coordination between university colleges and research centers. The Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center, in cooperation with the College of Applied Sciences in Heet and the local Mayor Office in Heet district, held the workshop named “Towards drawing sustainable development policies through preparing databases - Heet district as a model” on the conference hall At the College of Applied Sciences under the generous patronage of the esteemed President the University Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Nida, who delegated him as his representative, Prof. Dr. Muthanna Muhammad Awad, the esteemed president assistant for scientific affairs, as an expression of the university’s keenness and support for these activities that enhance the role of the university in community service. The workshop attended by the Excellency Mayor, Education Director in the district, representatives of all service and municipal offices in the district, and a representative of the governorate statistics department.

Where the workshop, which is the third in a series of workshops held by the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center, reviewed the statistics and data of service offices and infrastructure. Representatives of educational, health, and municipal offices and institutions gave a detailed presentation, reinforced by tables and charts about the work of their offices, discussing these data and the possibility of conducting extensive studies to identify problems and develop solutions to them, and using these databases as a starting point to conduct studies and research on various development and sustainable development projects, including human development that accurate databases are needed, which achieves the vision and objectives of the center and the human resources development department in the center and in strengthening its role as well as the university in community service. The representatives of the offices expressed their happiness and appreciation for the University of Anbar and the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center to allow the opportunity to cooperate and enhance communication between the university and the various service institutions in order to reach a more efficient service and sustainable development for the cities of the province. Through discussions and interventions, the University Assistant President for Scientific Affairs stressed expressed on the directions of the president of the university and his keenness on the need to maintain communication and expand cooperation between the university’s research faculties and centers to develop studies and research through databases of service institutions for the most important problems and obstacles for the purpose of proposing, implementing and operating strategic development projects in various cities, which is part of the university’s strategic plans to serve Society, as confirmed by the Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center, Prof. Dr.Ammar Hatem Kamel emphasizes the readiness to cooperate and study any proposal by these offices to study the problems and proposed solutions through cooperation, communication, exchange of information, and investing in the presence of the College of Applied Sciences in the judiciary to activate this cooperation between the departments and the College of Applied Sciences and the Upper Euphrates Development Center through Prof..Tahseen Ali Zaidan, Dean of the College, expressed his welcome and support for this cooperation, and at the end of the workshop, Mrthe UniversityFor Scientific Affairs and the Dean of the College of Applied Sciences, the certificates of appreciation for the participants in the workshop, in appreciation of the university for their efforts in the success of the work of the workshop.


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