Climate change and its impact on agriculture and food security


Climate change and its impact on agriculture and food security

 Climate change and its impact on agriculture and food security

Inst. Dr. Muneer Naji Ahmed Al-Falahi

Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center – University of Anbar

The world is facing an unprecedented challenge, which is climate change, which in turn will affect agriculture and food security, leaving hunger and poverty, especially after the increase in population in areas with the highest levels of undernourishment and extreme exposure to the effects of climate change. In 2050, global food demand is expected to increase by 60 percent (At the same time, the efforts made by the agricultural sectors to contribute to a carbon-neutral world and protection Forests that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work to stabilize the global climate before it is too late.

Agricultural production is already suffering in many regions from negative effects Due to the rise in temperatures, the increase in temperature fluctuations, changes in the levels and frequency of precipitation, and the increase in droughts and floods. Increasing intensity of extreme weather conditions arable land is salinized and lack of freshwater with intensified effects of climate change on agriculture It will become more and more difficult to cultivate crops animal husbandry, forest management, and fishing in the same ways and the same places as in the past, the crops we grow to provide food, fiber and energy need to specific conditions to grow, including optimum heat and adequate water grades may be useful higher temperature To some extent cultivate some crops in some parts of the world, but if temperatures exceed the optimum level for the crop or if there is not enough water and nutrients likely to decrease yields Also, the increased frequency Extreme phenomena, especially floods and droughts, also damage crops and reduce yields. Dealing with drought can become a major challenge in areas where average temperatures are expected to rise and rainfall to decrease. Many weeds' harmful pests and diseases caused by insects grow under higher temperatures, a more humid climate, and higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. extreme Combined with the decrease in precipitation, it may prevent growth many kinds of crops are not at all. Heat waves, which are expected to become more common under climate change, directly threaten livestock. Over time, heat stress increases animal exposure to disease, reduces meat and milk production, and will He increases climate change also spreads parasites and diseases in livestock In regions where there is more precipitation, Moisture-induced pathogens are expected to multiply climate change also threatens the livelihood capacities of pastures and meadows as well as the production of forage for non-grazing systems.

Impacts of climate change on people vulnerable to hunger in 2050Wiebe et al., 2015).


Crop and livestock production losses after medium and large-scale climate-related disasters by type of hazard, 2003-2013


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