Participation in a public debate committee


Participation in a public debate committee

     Depending on almighty Allah reconciliation and with a generous invitation from the Department of Hebrew Language - College of Languages - Baghdad University for instructor Dr. Omar Yaseen Neda, head of the Department of Human Resources at our research centre to discuss the master's thesis.

      The discussion took place on Wednesday, 29 December 2021, at the Martyr's Hall, Dr. Fouad Al-Bayati at the College for Student Maysa Jabbar Sada, about her thesis:

 (Threatening language in Israeli political discourse Avigdor Lieberman model - linguistic study)

        The committee of discussion consisted of the following gentlemen:

1.     Associated Professor Dr. Qusay Nabeel Abdul Kareem (as a chairman).

2.     Associated Professor Dr. Gazwan Majeed Rasheed (as a member).

3.     Instructor Dr. Omar Yaseen Neda from the University of Anbar (as a member).

4.     Associated Professor Dr. Hamed Marhoon Hamad (as a supervisor).

       At the end of the discussion session, the student was awarded a master's degree in Hebrew/language, congratulations to the student, the honourable professor, the chairman and members of the discussion committee.

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