Natural Resources Databases in Anbar Province


Natural Resources Databases in Anbar Province

In association with the center's directions in preparing databases in numbers and data because of its importance in the development of the various resources of Anbar province, the head of the department of natural resources development at the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center, Dr. Muneer Naji Ahmed Al-Falahi, on Tuesday, 14 December 2021, delivered a panel discussion entitled: (Preparing the plan for natural resources databases in Anbar province).

The seminar was attended by Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel, Respected Director of the Center, respected heads of departments and a number of researchers, who expressed interest in the panel discussion because of its role in the development of natural resources in Anbar province by collecting data, identifying weaknesses and trying to find appropriate solutions for them.

The most important thing agreed in this seminar is to gain the approval of the esteemed university president to form a specialized research team to begin work to collect natural resources data because of the province's important resources with an economic impact that would contribute to improving the country's economy.


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