Heritage and Environmental Museum


Heritage and Environmental Museum

Within the orientations of our research centre to bring about comprehensive development in the Upper Euphrates basin and the university’s openness to societythe centre’s board of directors recommended the creation of a heritage and environmental museum to collect archaeological and heritage artefacts and collect pictures of archaeological sites along this basin, including villages, water wheels, and antiquities spanning thousands of years in the cities and towns of the governorate.

Perhaps one of the most prominent practical ideas that achieve the tourist and cognitive attractions of this museum is the idea of ​​designing and implementing a water wheel whose outward appearance is largely identical to the waterwheels of the upper Euphrates, and it works with solar energy, wind energy and water current energy. Traditional channels of water reach to the Integrated Renewable Energy Farm.

Where this waterwheel raises the grey water that is recycled from the grey domestic water and then descends into a waterfall that achieves an aesthetic goal for the project and aeration of the grey water contributes to its purification before it flows through heritage streams to the nearby village field.

A meeting was held that included the director of the centre and heads of departments, with the hosting of one of the technicians in the private sector, who succeeded in manufacturing a number of devices for our centre and the laboratories of the College of Engineering to study the easiest ways to implement the water wheel with the lowest possible energy, including the energy of gradient grey water.

Planning is underway to implement this waterwheel by estimating the cost of its construction and its optimal location within the energy-producing village, which the centre plans to make as an incubator for its environmental heritage museum, which contributes to marketing the idea of ​​this village and planning to publish models of it throughout the cities of the Upper Euphrates Basin.



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