Thanks and Gratitude Letter of the Minister of Planning


Thanks and Gratitude Letter of the Minister of Planning

The director of Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed and the manager of planning and databases department in UEBDC Dr. Ahmed Saud Mohammed have received a letter of thanks and gratitude from His Excellency Minister of Planning Prof. Dr. Khaled Battal Alnajem, Who were part of the engineering advisory team at the College of Engineering - University of Anbar.

This thanks and gratitude was as appreciation for their efforts in preparing the environmental impact study, as well as the updating of the hydrological and the economic feasibility studies of the Makhoul Dam project in Salaheddine and Kirkuk provinces. For their effective impact and important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Targets, within the framework of the National Plan for Sustainable Development 2030. He wished them more giving on the way to building the nation and human in our beloved Iraq.

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