Thanks and Gratitude Email from an International Foundation


Thanks and Gratitude Email from an International Foundation

The Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed received a message of thanks and gratitude from the German International Scientific Foundation of Springer for evaluating several scientific researches within authentic scientific journals belong to this well-known Foundation, and it is worth mentioning that thanks and gratitude sent in a personal message from springer foundation to the official email of our Research Center Director.

It is worth mentioning that The Springer is a global publishing foundation that publishes books including e-books, scientific, technical and medical review journals. Springer hosts a number of scientific databases and published books including major references textbooks, research books and textbooks. More than 35000 titles are available as e-books in 13 groups of topics in the field of technology, science, and medicine. Springer is the biggest publishing foundation in the world, whereas in the field of publishing of scientific journals, Springer is the second after Elsevier foundation. 


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