Reception of Anbar Province Representative


Reception of Anbar Province Representative

The Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed and a number of researchers of the Center received the Senior Chief Engineers Mr. Mohamed Khalaf Marzouk, Advisor to The Governor of Anbar for Environmental Affairs and Reserves, on Tuesday, 23rd of February 2021, on the sidelines of preparing a study for the development of the Horan Valley, and the establishing of nature reserves, where this requires the approval of the Province on the land ownership due to be chosen as natural reserves or national tourist parks.

The meeting has been attended by Prof. Kamal GazGuz Al-Ani, Professor of Geography at the College of Arts in University of Anbar, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Center and a specialist in the nature of the Upper Euphrates Basin.

It is worth mentioning that a research team comprising a number of researchers from research centers and colleges of engineering, science, agriculture and literature has been formed at our university to prepare this study.

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