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الضوء الازرق من شاشات LED


الضوء الازرق من شاشات LED


Various articles have warned of recent reports by the French government agency outlining the dangers of blue light emitted by LEDs used in screens. These titles are worrisome in terms of their dependence on both; Today's date and phone or computer settings. Your eyes are now exposed to a real danger from blue light, as both the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and the most famous light-emitting diodes are more energy and efficient than traditional lighting and are 90% cheaper than they were in past decades. All screens that contain -LED- emit blue light, as in many offices and homes. Press news in France has been suppressed by the agency regarding food, environment, occupational health and safety terribly. The writers of those reports claimed that their work “confirms the toxicity of blue light on eyes". They also demonstrated the ability of blue light to disturb sleep as it is related to its biological rhythm. Moreover, they added that the blue light emitted by LED screens has environmental damage.

   That means the danger is everywhere and is also prominent. What the reports have affected is that blue light has effects on our bodies and the environment. However, the damage to the eyes of the screen user is considered seriously exaggerated, whether by the agency’s own reports, press news, or the headlines of the news that followed.

   Blue light consists of light that appears within the natural visible spectrum and falls within the shortest wavelengths that we can see, that is, between 400 and 500 nanometers. Similarly, red light falls within 635 and 700 nanometers. When the blue light reflects on the surface, we can distinguish it. White light consists of several wavelengths of light that we can see as we see it by looking at lamps, screens, and the sun.

   There are many wavelengths that we cannot know to be dangerous. The violent waves that emit from the sun are also shorter than the visible spectrum, and thus have enough energy to break down our DNA. We cannot see infrared radiation because of its intense wavelength, but we can feel it in the form of heat, and it can even burn us! But it is not harmful to DNA, as do the shorter rays of it. LEDs emit neither ultraviolet nor infrared, only visible radiation.

   An LED screen emits blue light but no more than other lamps provided it offers the same balance of shorter and longer wavelengths. Warm light has a more harmonious layer of “yellow”, while cool light – which is similar to daylight – appears bluer. Slightly, sunlight has 10 times more luminosity than the typical indoor light of LEDs or screens, which means we're more exposed to blue light outside.

   The eye health risks from exposure to light are attributed to brightness, as the retina contains cells called “photoreceptors” that capture light as bright light is able to destroy them. All LED lights are rated 0 to 3 and are approved by: The American National Standards Institute and the International Electronic Commission harmonize the uniformity of LED light labels. A zero in this rating is considered that the light does not pose any danger to the eye and does not require a warning label. The LED lighting found in homes, offices and your screen also all have this type of low damage rating. .

   Eye diseases caused by lamps increase with increasing scale, but notably, these diseases are 2 or 3 more harmful, and usually occur in industrial settings. Some are forced to deal with lights like this and are required to wear blue light protection equipment because blue light has a wavelength Shorter than visible light. Of course there is a concern about this as it damages the retina as does ultraviolet rays.

   Most of us have not experienced the blue light except through the LEDs in the screens, and from the ambient lighting with safe settings, although there are some concerns that LED lighting may lead to vision problems later, especially when looking directly at it, when looking at any bright light Like car headlights or a camera flash, the light receptors in the retina panic. We call this “photoreceptor blanching,” says Raj Matori, a board-certified optometrist in Carmel, Indiana, and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

   In general, this ignites the fire all at once and then needs one second after that to recover. When exposed to a little bright light, our photoreceptors need only one second or so to return again to see clearly. For the elderly, especially in the presence of different conditions for their eyes, the time taken to return to sight may take a number Fewer seconds, which can create dangerous situations while driving, and if you keep looking at a bright light - no matter how your eye instinct will stop you - the photoreceptors will be crushed, releasing stressful chemicals capable of destruction near the tissue of cells, and this destruction may take a year Full of misery in addition to the possibility of destroying the visual receptors, starting with the sun, which is able to destroy the eye by containing ultraviolet rays, so it does not matter how wonderful you find looking at the eclipse of the sun.

This means that not looking at the LEDs directly, is completely safe for my eyes?

   Not exactly, the French regulatory agency was right when it suggested that LED rays damage our circadian rhythms, our bodies' harmonious cycle that tells us when to wake up or go to sleep.

   When the visual receptors in the eye receive blue light, they interpret it as daylight and therefore it is the time of awakening. When you don't discern blue light - especially - then this is an indication that it's nighttime, which is when the hormone melatonin is produced that helps us sleep.

   If we start using screens late at night, it can trick our bodies into thinking it's still daytime, thus delaying the production of melatonin. The best way to maintain the sleep cycle is to trick it into setting screens to night mode, Matori said. This setting filters blue light — and also makes the screen a little orange — but the glass needed to filter out the blue rarely filters it all.

If LED screens are safe, why do my eyes hurt when looking at screens for so long?

Assuming you have more healthy eyeballs than these, muscle tension, eyeballs insomnia with strange organs, her preferred condition is to look around you to take all kinds of information about your situation, whether near or far. It is difficult for her to focus on a close point for a relatively long period of time, perhaps as when you read articles longer than this.

The pain you feel after looking at screens is a slight strain on the muscles around and near the eye. You can give these muscles a break by looking away at anything for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, explains Matruy.

How to protect your eyes from the damage of blue light?

If constant exposure to blue light from smartphones, tablets, and computer screens is a problem, there are several ways to reduce exposure to blue light, including:

Screen time: Try to reduce the amount of time you spend in front of these screens or take frequent breaks to rest your eyes.


*Filters: Screen filters are available for smartphones, tablets and computer screens, they reduce the amount of blue light emitted by these devices that can reach the retina.


*Computer Glasses: Computer glasses with yellow lenses that block blue light can help relieve computer digital eye strain by increasing contrast.


*Anti-reflective lenses: Anti-reflective lenses reduce glare, increase contrast, and also block blue light from the sun and digital devices.


Intraocular lens (IOL): After cataract surgery, the cloudy lens will be replaced by an intraocular lens (IOL), and the lens naturally protects the eye from all UV rays and some blue light. There are types of lens that can protect the eye and retina from blue light.


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