College News

The Dean of the College of Science inspects the classrooms

The Dean of the College of Science inspects the classrooms   2021-11-21   

Prof. Dr. (Emad Abdul Rihman Mohammed Salih), Dean of the College, inspected the classrooms and scientific laboratories

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A delegation from Al-Mustansiriya University visited the College of Science, Anbar University

A delegation from Al-Mustansiriya University visited the College of Science, Anbar University   2021-11-19   

A delegation from the college of science, Al-Mustansiriya University visits the College of Science, University of Anbar

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An instructor from the College of Science participates in a local and international research team

An instructor from the College of Science participates in a local and international research team   2021-11-17   

Instructor Osama Jassim Muhammad from the Department of Applied Geology / College of Science / University of Anbar

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The basis for success is the power of positive thinking

The basis for success is the power of positive thinking   2021-11-14   

A workshop on (the basis for success is the power of positive thinking) by Professor Dr. Akram Obaid Freih, a teaching staff member at the College of Islamic Sciences

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Announcing the start of applying for evening studies in the College of Science

Announcing the start of applying for evening studies in the College of Science   2021-11-14   

Announcement that applications for (evening studies) at the College of Science have started for the academic year 2021-2022

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