Participatation in the ministerial committee on renewable energy


Participatation in the ministerial committee on renewable energy


As a part of the objective of achieving the massage of the Renewable Energy Research Center at our university in cooperation with governornment sectors as well as the private sectors, the Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center (Asst. Prof. Dr. Wissam Hashim Khalil) participated in the preparatory meeting held at the Iraqi Ministry of Oil - Baghdad, which was sponsored by the Department of Studies Planning and Flow up at the Ministry. This meeting aims to prepare for a workshop on (Renewable energy and its uses in Iraq and prospects for its development). This workshop came after University of Anbar and the University of Technology were chosen as representatives of Iraqi universities in the ministerial committee that included specialists in renewable energy from several ministries, such as (the Ministry of Oil, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Electricity, and the Ministry of Minerals Industry).
In this meeting, the themes of the workshop that will be held at the beginning of the year 2021 have been determined. It has also been agreed upon the scientific and research articles to be discussed in this workshop, and they mention the renewable energy sector that receives considerable attention from the Council of Ministers, which will sponsor the establishment of this workshop.





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