Publishing a paper in a Scopus indexed journal


Publishing a paper in a Scopus indexed journal

 Nazar Ismet Seno, a lecturer at Renewable Energy Research Center - University of Anbar, Published in collaboration with resarchers form University of Anbar publishe a paper in the international Scopus-indexed journal “Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University”.

Effect of Traffic Light Scenario on VANETs Connectivity with Low Penetration Rate

This article dealt with VANET connectivity with traffic light scenarios. The most significant indicator in this study is penetration rate, more, namely low values of it. Connectivity measurements, i.e. reachability, connection duration and re-healing time had been studied with real-time simulation. Three traffic light scenarios had been considered; no traffic light, normal traffic light and intelligent traffic light. The effect of these scenarios on VANET connectivity had been analyzed with low penetration rate and important conclusions had been stated for future works.

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