Publishing an Article in a Scopus-indexed Journal


Publishing an Article in a Scopus-indexed Journal

A group of researchers from the Renewable Energy Research Center - University of Anbar (Mustafa Hamid Salih, Mohammed Kareem Mohammed, Qusay Hatem Eesee) in collaboration with a researcher from the Computer Center  publish a scientific article in an international Scopus-indexed Journal “Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science”. The artcle is entitled:

“An automatic multi-axis solar tracking system in Ramadi city: design and implementation”

The article dealt with the design and implementation of a solar tracking device that enables solar panels to track the position of the sun in the sky with high accuracy, which was accomplished in the laboratories of the Renewable Energy Research Center. The most important results were obtained, an increase in productivity by 24%.

Publication details

M. H. Al-jumaili, H. M. Haglan, M. K. Mohammed, and Q. H. Eesee, “An automatic multi-axis solar tracking system in Ramadi city : design and implementation,” vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1226–1234, 2020.


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