Publication of a Scientific Research within Scopus Index Q2


Publication of a Scientific Research within Scopus Index Q2

Assist. L. Tariq H. Abed, researcher at the Renewable Energy Research Center – University of Anbar in cooperation. Publish a scientific article in scientific journal Journal of Robotics and Control” that has Scopus index Q2 with CS=4.7 titled:

"Unlocking Solar Potential: Advancements in Automated Solar Tracking Systems for Enhanced Energy Utilization"

This research paper addressed how tracking systems help in increasing energy collection from solar systems by tracking the movement of the sun’s path. It discusses the methodology followed, which includes selecting components, designing the circuit, and developing the software, in addition to presenting the experimental data obtained from a three-day, twenty-four-hour experiment. The results show an improvement in voltage stability, the level of solar irradiation, and temperature regulation when the system is applied compared to the static system and its applicability for enhancing renewable energy harnessing methods using solar tracking technology. Finally, the paper outlines future research directions to continue exploring the proposed methods and their broader impact on renewable energy generation.


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