Meeting with representatives from "Three Sixty Solar"


Meeting with representatives from "Three Sixty Solar"

The staff of the Renewable Energy Research Center at the University of Anbar met with representatives from "Three Sixty Solar" with the aim of learning about the latest technologies used in the field of photovoltaic solar cell installation. During the meeting, the company presented an innovative solution aimed at providing the necessary space for solar cell installation, thereby enabling more efficient use of space. Meeting Details:

  • Technical Presentation: "Three Sixty Solar" showcased its latest solutions in the field of photovoltaic solar cell installation, demonstrating how to provide space and improve operational efficiency.
  • Exchange of Expertise: Both parties discussed successful experiments in applying these technologies and how to benefit from them in renewable energy projects.
  • Professional Development: This meeting aims to enhance the capabilities of the Renewable Energy Research Center staff by keeping them informed about the latest technological developments in the field of renewable energy. This meeting is part of the efforts of the Renewable Energy Research Center to enhance knowledge and adopt the latest technologies in the field of renewable energy, with the aim of improving performance, efficiency, and supporting sustainability goals at the University of Anbar.



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