Dr. Amer Jameel Shareef Chosen as Guest Editor for Prestigious Journal


Dr. Amer Jameel Shareef Chosen as Guest Editor for Prestigious Journal

Based on the distinguished academic reputation of Assistant Professor Dr. Amer J. Shareef, the head of the Renewable Energy Technology Department in our center, and considering the high quality of research published in high-impact factor journals, he has been selected as a Guest Editor in the "Environment Development and Sustainability" journal. It is worth noting that the role of a Guest Editor is crucial in the acceptance of research published in high-impact journals, such as those indexed in Clarivate databases. Researchers with prestigious academic reputations are chosen to contribute to this context in scientific journals. It is also worth mentioning that Assistant Professor Dr. Amer J. Shareef has an h-index of 15, reflecting his esteemed academic standing.

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