Scientific symposium


Scientific symposium

According to the directives of the President of the University of Anbar (Prof. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida), and under the supervision of the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr Muthanna Mohammad Awad, the Renewable Energy Research Center at the University of Anbar, in cooperation with the Yarmouk Center for Studies and Strategic Planning, and the Iraqi Engineers Union - Anbar Branch, held a scientific symposium entitled (Technology of Use of Underground heat energy for air conditioning buildings and heating water suitable for indoor uses).

This symposium is considered one of the important symposiums because it presents practical ideas about a new type of renewable energy, which is the heat of the Earth's interior. The symposium was hosted the Engineer Salah Hassan Al-Ansari, who is an expert in the implementation of underground energy projects. Al-Ansari touched on the advantages of using these applications as they provide 60-70% of the electrical energy needs needed to meet the requirements of cooling and heating.

The symposium was attended by many engineers in government departments and the private sector, and the discussions contributed to many recommendations that will be submitted to the governorate department in order to adopt this technology.



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