Dean of the College of Medicine attends the discussion of the research of the students of the Scientific Council for General Surgery

Dean of the College of Medicine attends the discussion of the research of the students of the Scientific Council for General Surgery

 Dean of the College of Medicine attends the discussion of the research of the students of the Scientific Council for General Surgery

The Dean of the College of Medicine / University of Anbar, Professor Dr. Walid Nassar Jaffal, attended this morning, Saturday, September 21, 2024, the discussion of the research of the students of the Scientific Council for General Surgery in the Arab Council for Health Specialties. The discussion was held at the Ramadi Training Center at Ramadi Teaching Hospital as part of the requirements for obtaining a doctorate degree (Arab Board) in the specialty of general surgery.
The discussion was also attended by the Director General of the Anbar Health Department, Dr. Khader Khalaf Shalal, and the Director of Ramadi Teaching Hospital, Dr. Iyad Arak Mukhlef, in addition to a distinguished elite of lecturers in the College of Medicine and cadres of Ramadi Teaching Hospital. This presence reflects the interest of the academic and professional community in developing the level of medical education and advancing health specialties.

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