In the name of Allah


Welcome to you on the website of the General Secretariat of the Central Library. 

 The Central Library was established in 1988. Since its founding, the library has been keen on providing scientific research and providing services to all types of beneficiaries. It has become a cultural and scientific monument that includes large and modern groups of Arab and foreign sources and advanced equipment. 

 There is no doubt that the academic library has a vital role in keeping pace with the developments in our era (the age of information revolution). It is known that information is the core of technological and scientific developments and we must begin where others end up. From here, we should develop a strategy to take advantage of ICT to build a future for our libraries. 

Therefore, institutions, including libraries, have begun to accelerate the completion of their libraries through the adoption of an integrated desktop system. This requires  to develop  the own capabilities of the library staff and encourage them to create and produce electronic resources and information systems to meet the challenges of the future.


In conclusion, I seek to apply modern technologies and make a qualitative leap in the development of our libraries to keep abreast of modern times and contribute to the service of our dear students and raise their academic  level to reach our goals 


Dr. Falah D. Rasheed / Director of Central Library

Director Cv.   

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