College News

Scientific Participation

Scientific Participation   2021-04-02   

 Dr. (Ahmad Odeh Muhammad), the teacher in the College of Law and Political Science / Anbar University, participated in the American International Conference on Constitutional Law. 

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Schedule of the attendance examinations for the Department of Political Science


 The College of Law and Political Science / Anbar University announces the schedule of attendance examinations for students of the above-first stages of the Department of Political Science for the academic year 2020/2021.

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Schedule of attendance examinations for the law department


 The College of Law and Political Science / Anbar University announces the schedule of attendance examinations for students of the above-first stages of the law department and for morning and evening studies for the academic year 2020/2021.

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Schedule of electronic exams for first-stage students


 The College of Law and Political Science / Anbar University announces the schedule of electronic exams for first-stage students in the college. 

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The college's official email and phone number


 The College of Law and Political Science / Anbar University announces the official email and phone number for communicating with the Deans of the College and receiving all suggestions and complaints regarding the educational and administrative process of the faculty or matters related to electronic or attendance examinations.

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