In order to sustain scientific production and scientific research and openness to international academic work, the College of Law and Political Science held a scientific symposium between the College of Law and Political Science / University of Anbar and the College of Political Science / German University of vetcha  in the meeting room of the Electronic Calculator Center entitled ((The Development of Democracy). In Germany and Iraq) where Professor Dr. Peter Nitschke, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science, presented a detailed overview of the development of democracy in Germany. It begins with a historical perspective, pointing out key works and authors who contributed to the development of German democracy. Important milestones such as the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany and the inclusion of human dignity and democratic principles in the German Basic Law are highlighted. In addition, the structures of the modern state, the characteristics of the federal states, their constitutions and the responsibilities of their officials are discussed. Professor Nitsche provided a comprehensive overview of the main aspects of the development of democracy in Germany

While Dr. Ahmed Odeh Saleh provided a general explanation of the democratic development taking place in Iraq after 2003 and all the positive and negative aspects that accompanied this change.

With diligent efforts and follow-up by Omar Farhan LL.M., representative of Vechta University in Anbar, the international symposium was held at the College of Law and Political Science, Anbar University, in the computer hall. Omar Farhan was the direct representative of Vechta University here. He was joined by Professor Dr. Peter Nitschka and a number of German students, as well as representatives from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) through Vechta University's specialized scientific internet room.
As the College of Law and Political Science at Anbar University, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants and look forward to more cooperation and academic and knowledge exchange.


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