and since the land of Iraq was the first to teach the world about enacting and legislating laws, there is nothing better than the first day on which the Iraqi Gazette issued its first issue, which was published for the first time on January 15, 1922, on this occasion and under the patronage of the respected Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada. The President of Anbar University, and under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Law and Political Science, Professor Dr. Hadi Mishaan Rabie, the College of Law and Political Science held a cultural festival in cooperation with the University Presidency / Department of Legal Affairs in the Martyr’s Hall, Professor Dr. Muhammad Hardan Al-Hiti.
The festival included a reading from the Holy Quran and an opening speech, in addition to some legal activities presented by the students of the first stage/law department, as they were distinguished in presenting important ideas and visions during these activities.


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