The College of Law and Political Science held an electronic scientific symposium entitled (Iraq under the administration of  US President Joseph Biden)

The seminar consisted of three themes:

The first axis, delivered by the assistant professor, Dr. (Arkan Ibrahim Adwan), in which he explained:

- US attitudes towards Iraq during the era of President Biden.

- The American confrontation with the Chinese and Russian competition in the Middle East.

- Combating terrorism and cooperating with Iraq in this regard.

-Confronting the nuclear program and Iranian influence in Iraq.

-The Silk Road and Chinese and American competition.

The second axis was delivered by Dr. (Muhannad Hamid Mahidi), in which he explained:

-The populist phenomenon between President Trump and Biden.

-Populism and the crisis of American democracy.

-The effects of the rise of populism on American democracy.

- The future of populism in the United States after the advent of Biden.

The third axis was delivered by Professor Dr. (Mohammed Daham Kurdi), in which he explained:

- The Iraqi-American Strategic Dialogue.

- The strategic agreement and the decision to withdraw from Iraq and respect Iraqi sovereignty.

- The US presence in Iraq and US bases.

- US sanctions on Iran and the fight against terrorism and armed factions loyal to Iran. 

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