College News

Training course

Training course   2017-04-08   

Within the activities of the university and its positive impact in society, the College of Islamic Sciences in cooperation with the Center for Teaching Methods and Continuing Education

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Ministerial Committee for the Development of a PhD Study

Ministerial Committee for the Development of a PhD Study   2017-04-04   

 The committee reviewed the file prepared for this purpose and wandered between the halls of the central library of the college, the conference hall and the discussions

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Scientific Symposium

Scientific Symposium   2017-04-04   

 Under the patronage of the President of the University of Anbar, Dr. Khalid Batal Alnajm and under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences

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President of the University Visit the College

President of the University Visit the College   2017-04-02   

The President of the University of Anbar visited Professor Dr. Khalid Batal, the esteemed star of the College of Islamic Sciences, accompanied by the Assistant Administrative

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Preparing the College for the visit of the President of the University

Preparing the College for the visit of the President of the University   2017-04-02   

Under the auspices of the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences Assistant Professor Dr. Akram Obeid Freih Al-Alwani and under the supervision

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