College News

A new version of Journal

A new version of Journal   2017-12-17   

A new version of Islamic Sciences of Anbar University Journal has published ( eighth year- number thirty three- 2018)

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visit president of Anbar University

 visit president of Anbar University   2017-12-13   

College of Islamic Sciences on 13th, December 2017, honored with a visit of Dr. Khalid Batal Al Najem president of Anbar University, president's assistants and a representative of Al Anbar governor

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workshop   2017-12-05   

With blessing of Allah, the Higher Committee of Quran Contest in Anbar Universty held a workshop about ( Using Nomination Form for Quran Contest)

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Dr.Qaisar has published two books

Dr.Qaisar has  published two books   2017-11-15   

Dr.Qaisar Abul Kareem Al Hitee, Proffesor of Islamic Economics at Islamic Sciences College has published two books by Dar Raslan and Dar Ghaida.

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seminar   2017-11-15   

With the blessings of Allah, a seminar was offered by Dr. Hashim Rajab, an instructor in Tafseer department,

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