College News

A visit of a Committee of Developing Higher Studies

A visit of a Committee of Developing Higher Studies   2018-05-31   

A committee of developing higher Studies/master studies visited A wide dept. in Islamic Sciences College

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A Visit of a Committee from Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry

A Visit of a Committee from Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry   2018-05-31   

An Audit committee from Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry visited the college. It iwas recieved by the deen Dr. Akram Fraih.

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symposium   2018-05-19   

Under the auspices of Dr. Khalid Batal Al Najem, president of Al Anbar university, under the supervision of Dr. Akram Ubaid dean of Islamic and Dr Thaer Shaker Mahmood

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Finals of Seventh Quranic Contest

Finals of  Seventh Quranic Contest   2018-04-20   

Under the patronage of Al Anbar university Dr. Khalid Batal and under the supervision of the Dean of Islamic Sciences college Dr. Akram Obaid Freih

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Symposium in Hadith Dep.

Symposium in Hadith Dep.   2018-04-18   

Under the patronage of the president of Al Anbar university Dr. Khaled Batal, and under the supervision of the Islamic Sciences college Dr. Akram Obaid Freih, Hadith Dep. Held a symposium with the title (Misconception about Hadith and its Effect in Understanding Shariah Rules).

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