(Palestine between pain and hope)

(Palestine between pain and hope)

The College of Islamic Sciences holds a photo exhibition entitled

(Palestine between pain and hope)

As part of the activities of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the College of Islamic Sciences at Anbar University will be held on Thursday, 11/16|2023.

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences, Professor Dr. Ahmed Obaid Jassim, a photographic exhibition was presented that embodies the extent of the pain to which the Palestinian people were subjected at the hands of the Zionist enemy. The exhibition was opened by the President of Anbar University, Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, who toured the exhibition and praised the students’ participation in this exhibition. the event. In conclusion, the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences presented the Shield of Loyalty to the President of Anbar University in appreciation of Anbar University’sposition in support of our Palestinian people since the beginning of the Israeli aggression....



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