Alaa Sadoon

Alaa Sadoon

 What Can Literature Teach Us

        literature is a term that refers to both written and spoken works. literature is derived from the Latin word literature, which means "writing created with letters," and refers to works of the imagination such as poetry, theatre, fiction, nonfiction, and, in some cases, journalism and song. Simply said, literature expresses a language's or people's culture and tradition. Many have attempted to define the concept, yet it is apparent that the recognized definition of literature is always changing and evolving.

Works of writing, at their best, give a kind of outline of human society. From the works of antiquated civilizations such as Egypt and China to Greek reasoning and verse, from the sagas of Homer to the plays of William Shakespeare, from Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte to Maya Angelou, works of writing grant knowledge and setting to all the world’s social orders in this way, writing is more than fair a verifiable or social artifact; it can serve as a presentation to an unused world of experience. Eventually, we may find meaning in writing by looking at what the creator composes or says and how he or she says it. We may translate and wrangle about an author's message by analyzing the words he or she chooses in a given novel or work or watching which character or voice serves as the association to the reader. In the scholarly world, this interpreting of the content is regularly carried out through the utilize of scholarly hypothesis employing a legendary, sociological, mental, authentic, or other approaches to superior get it the setting and profundity of a work. other points which indicate to the importance of literature. Students who study literature and read for pleasure have a higher vocabulary, better reading comprehension, and better communication skills, such as writing ability. communication skills affect people in every area of their lives, from navigating interpersonal relationships to participating in meetings in the workplace to drafting interoffice memos or reports.

When students analyze literature, they learn to identify cause and effect and are applying critical thinking skills. Without realizing it, they examine the characters psychologically or sociologically. They identify the characters' motivations for their actions and see through those actions to any ulterior motives. Lastly, we can conclude some studies say that people who read literature have more empathy for others, as literature puts the reader into another person's shoes. Having empathy for others leads people to socialize more effectively, solve conflicts peacefully, collaborate better in the workplace, behave morally, and possibly even become involved in making their community a better place.

Key words: Literature, Writing, Communication:


1.   Marie Louise Pratt (1994). Charles May, ed. The Short Story: The Long and the Short of It. Athens: Ohio UP. 


2.   Elam, Kier (1980). The Semiotics of Theatre and literature. London and New York: Methuen. p. 98.ISBN 0-416-72060-9






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