Automatically control device to save irrigation water against wind speed effect

In Arabic
Automatically control device to save irrigation water against wind speed effect

The wind speed will deform the sprinkler water distribution, so it affects the irrigation system efficiency and the yield of field crops. Booth application efficiency and distribution uniformity was affected because the water losses and deformation of sprinkler patterns. If the wind speed exceeds 5 m/sec., the sprinkler irrigation network must be stopped to save irrigation water. 

Reserchers from University of Anbar have proposed supplying sprinkler irrigation network by wind speed meter and a sensor (or valve) to cut the electricity and stopping the water pump of the network when the wind speed was exceeded the critical point (5m/sec.) and return to running this pump after the wind speed was fall down to 4.5m/sec. This sensor (or valve) must be supplied by a timer to record the stopping time to know the volume of irrigation water that must be pumped to complete the irrigation water requirements.

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