Symposium on University Action Development at Education Collage for Humanitarian Science / Al-Anbar University

In Arabic
Symposium on University Action Development at Education Collage for Humanitarian Science / Al-Anbar University

    Under the auspices of Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Dulaimi, Al-Anbar University President and with the attendance of the collage dean, president assistants, scientific and administrative section heads and the number of collage teaching staff, the education collage for humanitarian science held symposium on (university action development).

    Inaugurating the symposium, the collage dean presented a brief  on the collage achievements for former academic year then future plans for educational plans development and assessment, the teacher impact on implementing and following up necessary expertise to get teaching mission success as well as some problems to be solve pursuant to modern techniques, ways of dealing and interacting among high education systems mechanism and means on both scientific and administrative levels, education materials and realizing balancing among them, modern educational programs and methods and ISO observation definition of education relevant aspects of developing education materials were discussed.

    Finally the collage dean thanked the participants for their valuable scientific thoughts to develop university action.

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