UOA College of Agriculture Organizes an Awareness-Raising Workshop

In Arabic
UOA College of Agriculture Organizes an Awareness-Raising Workshop

 Thursday 3/5/2018, As part of its community service program, the UOA College of Agriculture organized an awareness-raising workshop on "Midge Insects Epidemics & Insecticide measures." The workshop was hosted by the council of Al-Baghdadi district, 80 km west of Ramadi. the workshop, which was attended by the officials, citizens, and farmers of the district, sheded light on the serious consequences of the epidemic spread in the agricultural areas of western Anbar. The attendance of the citziens of the district and the workers in its agricultural sector was eye-catching. At the conclusion of the workshop the attendance praised the guided efforts of the college of Agriculture to serve the community of the region and its farmers.

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