Construction and Projects Department


Construction and Projects Department includes:


1. Planning and projects Division

2. Follow-up Division

3. Implementation Division


The department is linked to the president of the university and undertakes the following tasks:

1.    Implementing investment plan projects issued by the planning commission through direct supervision on implementation and accounts payment.

2.    Preparing feasibility studies for projects of the investment plan and prepare their functional requirements.

3. Conducting the declarations of the rehabilitation and expansion of the university buildings and their implementation either in a safe manner or by assignment in the form of contracts and according to the powers and after obtaining the approval of the President of the University.

4.    Providing technical advice to the President of the university and his assistants as well as Deans of colleges.

5.    Preparing some designs of small buildings with their technical specifications in addition to preparing their schedules of quantities.

6.    Preparing and discussing plan of the university projects and include them within the annual and future investment plans based on priorities. 

7.    Coordinating with engineering advisory committee offices to prepare designs and provide by providing these offices with information and requirements.

8.    Following up with the implementation of public contracts and stages of achievement and taking the necessary legal procedures in case of breach of contractual obligations by the contractor.

9.    Preparing tender documents and contracts administratively and translating tender documents and contracts.

10. Announcing tenders and forming committees that open and study bids.

11. Coordinating with the department of government contracts in the ministry on obtaining approvals to choose the best method for contracts implementation.


The responsibilities and powers of the director of the department

The Director of the department exercises the following powers and responsibilities to ensure the flow of work in the department:


1.    The distribution of tasks among the staff of the department 

2.    Granting routine leaves permissions that do not exceed 10 days and the approval of the sick leave.

3.    Recommending the applications for more than 10 days routine and sick leaves and study leave

4.  Supervising the performance of the work in the follow-up of the activities of the employees

5. Recommending disciplinary proceedings against the negligent employees.

6. Recommending commendation and appreciation of distinguished and creative employees.

7. Recommending granting department employees promotion and upgrading bonus

8. Recommending appointment, placement of staff, and dispensation of department affiliates according to the rules in power

9. Proposing that the employees in the department be assigned overtime work according to the laws and regulations of the organization.

10. Representing the department in relevant conferences and symposia

11. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the staff members of the department to help   develop and improve the performance of the work as specified.

12. Recommending the delegation of staff members inside the country for a period not exceeding one week.

13. Recommending the granting of various allocations to all staff members of the department

14. Evaluation of the performance of the staff of the department and submitting it to the relevant authorities.

15. The proposal of a temporary appointment of employees in the department to gap staff shortage to ensure work flow.

16. Recommending the fixation of the staff members of the department after completion of approbation period

17. Recommending the assignment of a staff member to be an acting head of department when in routine and sick leave or when delegated.

18. Any other responsibilities and powers authorized or granted by immediate superiors