College News

Registration form of internal accommodation departments for undergraduate students

Registration form of internal accommodation departments for undergraduate students   2021-10-18   

 Registration form of internal accommodation departments for undergraduate students

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Controls of commitment to the university uniform

Controls of commitment to the university uniform   2021-10-13   

 The College of Education for Pure Sciences confirms the need to obey to the university uniform

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The third and first international scientific conference for pure sciences

The third and first international scientific conference for pure sciences   2021-08-10   

 Pure science reality and ambition

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A graduate student publishes six scientific researches

A graduate student publishes six scientific researches   2021-06-28   

 A distinguished graduate student in the department of Mathematics publishes six scientific researches

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Discussion of a master's thesis in the Department of Physics

Discussion of a master's thesis in the Department of Physics   2021-06-24   

 Discussion of a master's thesis in the Department of Physics

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