Al-Samoud Hall is witnessing the discussion of a new Msc. thesis

Master's thesis at the College of Education for Pure Sciences/Department of Chemistry under the title:

(Preparation of nano oxides for some metallic elements by the green method and using them to remove pollutants from aqueous solutions)

In the attendance of the President of the University of Anbar, the honorable Prof. Dr. (Mushtak Talib Al-Neda), the and the Dean of the College the honorable Prof. Dr. (Abdul Rahman Salman Juma’a), the student (Ahmed Raad Muhammad) discussed his thesis on Wednesday morning 10/8/2022:

Preparation of nano oxides for some metallic elements by the green method and using them to remove pollutants from aqueous solutions.

Aim of the study: The use of green chemistry in the preparation of nano-oxides and the use of these prepared nano-oxides in the process of purifying water from pollutants such as toxic and dangerous heavy metal ions, as well as some dyes with environmental and water effects. and kinetic chemistry, and after extensive discussion by the committee members with the student, the thesis was accepted.






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