The role of vitamins, hormones and minerals in prevention of hair loss
The role of vitamins, hormones and minerals in prevention of hair loss

Sami Awad Mohmmed

Department of Desert Development

Vitamins, hormones and minerals possess focal in maintaining Healthy and can impact hair loss. Consequently, their roles are summarized below :


1. *Vitamin A*

   - Essential for cell growth, including hair cells.

   - Helps produce sebum, which keeps the scalp moisturized.

   - Excessive Vitamin A can lead to hair loss.

2. *B-Vitamins (particularly Biotin)*

   - Biotin (Vitamin B7) is vital for hair health, and its deficiency is linked to hair loss.

   - B-Vitamins support the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles.

3. *Vitamin C*

   - An antioxidant that helps protect hair cells from damage.

   - Plays a role in collagen production, essential for hair structure.

   - Helps in the absorption of iron, which is necessary for hair growth.

4. *Vitamin D*

   - Helps in the creation of new hair follicles.

   - Deficiency has been linked to alopecia (hair loss condition).

5. *Vitamin E*

   - An antioxidant that helps prevent oxidative stress and boosts hair growth.

   - Improves scalp circulation, which can enhance hair health.

- Hormones

1. *Androgens (e.g., Testosterone)*

   - High levels of androgens, particularly DHT (dihydrotestosterone), can shrink hair follicles, leading to hair thinning and loss, especially in pattern baldness.

2. *Thyroid Hormones*

   - Both hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) and hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone) can cause hair loss.

   - These hormones are critical for hair follicle maintenance and growth cycle regulation.

3. *Estrogen*

   - Promotes hair growth and lengthens the growth phase of hair.

   - Hair loss can occur during menopause or after childbirth due to a drop in estrogen levels.

- Minerals

1. *Iron*

   - Iron deficiency, which leads to anemia, is a major cause of hair loss, especially in women.

   - Iron is necessary for producing hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to hair follicles.

2. *Zinc*

   - Crucial for hair tissue growth and repair.

   - Helps maintain the oil glands around the hair follicles.

   - Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss.

3. *Magnesium*

   - Helps in protein synthesis and energy production, both important for hair growth.

   - Deficiency can lead to hair loss.

4. *Selenium*

   - An antioxidant that helps protect the scalp from oxidative damage.

   - Supports the function of enzymes involved in hair growth.


Maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, hormones, and minerals is crucial for hair health. Deficiencies or imbalances in these nutrients can lead to hair loss, making it important to monitor and manage their levels to promote healthy hair growth. If experiencing significant hair loss, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider to check for any underlying nutritional deficiencies or hormonal imbalances.