The Center for Desert Studies comprises three scientific sections:

 1. Desertification Section  
The department was established with the establishment of the center in 1992. It aims to achieve the objectives at the local and national level through conducting studies and research to combat desertification in desert areas. Under the book of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Research and Development Department No. 1220 in 2005/7/11 and as one of the formations Center.
Distinguished department in the fields of scientific research related to soil sciences, water resources and combating desertification.
The letter
The study aims at providing research environment that promotes excellence and excellence in scientific research, knowledge formation and dissemination, and applied research research in areas related to desert research related to water management and quality, studying the phenomena of land degradation and degradation, studying sand dunes and dust storms and methods of treatment and propagation of energy plants, medicinal plants and aromatic plants.
The Department is headed by the Head of the Department and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center. It is composed of the heads of the scientific departments of the Center as well as the Director of Anbar Agriculture, the Director of Water Resources and the Director of Groundwater. 
In addition to the many services provided by the faculty members of the faculty, he supervises, lectures and graduates graduate students Masters and PhD and also contributes to many field studies, which include the following:
The establishment of optimal systems for harvesting and collecting rain and water and working on the maintenance of water and soil resources from pollution and conducting analyzes of the soil, water and plants. It also makes recommendations for fertilizers suitable for each type of soils and plants. Development of programs to stop sand crawling on farms, wells and facilities. In addition to holding training courses for the relevant departments, workers in the agricultural sector, agriculture departments, farmers and investors in various agricultural activities in desert areas.
Aims :
1. Identify, plan and implement all scientific research and experiments related to the production systems of large crops, especially in the desert areas after the availability of staff and material resources.
2. Work on preparing a future plan for the introduction of new plantations and genetic complexes of nutritious plants that are considered to be a factor in achieving the food security of the country.
3. The development of plant varieties that are of interest to the farmers' economy.
4. Improve production systems by developing appropriate management techniques and methods in water management and reducing water-wasting.
5. Completion of any research of a technical, economic and social nature that concerns the agricultural enterprises in the region and its environment.
6. Contributing to the transfer of technology and more tightly linked with the guidance workshop to publish the results of research and the development of information and technologies can be exploited in the interests of administrative and development structures and professional bodies and institutes.
7. Contribute to the training workshops for the benefit of technicians and in the formation of farmers.
Contribute to remote training in the fields of specialization in partnership with agricultural research and higher education institutions. Within the framework of these tasks, the department should:
To carry out the research and research programs that are assigned to it within the framework of the objectives contracts concluded with the State or with public and private structures and facilities.
Contribute to the development of scientific and technical research and its integration into the economic and social field.
1. To carry out studies in the scope of its tasks aimed at identifying the development of technologies in fields of interest to the agricultural economy and follow-up and analysis as well as evaluation in view of the regional development goals and the organization of all scientific events in cooperation with economic institutions and institutions of higher education and scientific research for the purpose of absorbing technologies and control.
2. Valuing the results of the research and encouraging their exploitation by economic bodies.
3. Encourage partnership in the field of scientific research and technology development with public and private institutions and enterprises in the field of international cooperation in cooperation with institutions of higher education and research.
4. To enter into agreements with other public or private parties to focus research on farms.
2.  Desert Geology Section
The section includes the following academic qualifications and experience: Bachelor / Master / PhD
The Department of Desert Geology is interested in geological studies and its relation to desertification by providing sources of groundwater resources based on hydrographic studies, which occupied the largest part through the implementation of related projects and according to specific objectives, in addition to hydrogecological and hydrogeological studies. And its relation to water pollution.
The projects are carried out according to the specifications of quality control and international standards and based on the procedures manual and work instructions in the context of geological and geological activities and events, including the USGS and Iraq.
The most important scientific projects completed for the period 2006-2013 were:
1. The project of sulfur and kernels (Hit-kebisa).
2. Hydrological and hydro-chemical project of the Euphrates River from Al-Qaim to Falluja.
3. Hydrographic Project of Daba Basin - East of Al-Rutba.
4. Participating in the study and discussion of the phenomenon of fish deaths in Lake Habbaniyah (6/2012)
It also completed a number of scientific pamphlets and the most important:
1- Hydro geology in management and planning (part of strategic investment plans for groundwater in Anbar governorate) 2008. Center for Desert Studies.
2. Mineral water use in medical treatments. 2008. Center for Desert Studies.
3 - Management of groundwater resources. Center for Desert Studies.
The department also participated in all specialized conferences held at Anbar University.
 As for the possibilities of the Department of Desert Geology:
 Quantitative assessment of aquifers. Includes:
1. Conducting pumping tests and determining the hydraulic parameters of the underground reservoirs (transfer coefficient, permeability, hydraulic spread, storage). Hydraulic coefficients and pumping test
2. Study and monitoring of groundwater levels and hydrographic mapping (models of groundwater movement and velocity). Hydrogeologic maps and Groundwater level observation
3 - studies of reduction of groundwater level for engineering purposes and industrial facilities (Dewatering studies).
4 - Studies of the selection of sites of civil and industrial facilities (Site Selection)
5 - Determination of production capacities of underground reservoirs and safe production (Productivity and safe yield)
6 - study the problems of groundwater and methods of treatment and all service sectors and productivity
7. Determination of ground water pollution and treatment methods
8- Studying the relationship of groundwater with surface and environment. Groundwater / Surface water interrelationship
9- Studying sources of groundwater recharge and discharge. Groundwater Recharge and Discharge studies
10. Studies in regional and regional aquifers. Regional and Local Aquifer studies
11. Determination of groundwater recharge ranges.
12 - Determination of water reservoirs in aquifers.
13. Estimating the amount of renewable water entering the underground aquifers.
14. Estimation of groundwater reserves
15. Determination of groundwater recharge and drainage areas and their relation to surface water resources
16. Identification and classification of aquifers.
B) Qualitative assessment of groundwater:
1. Determination of the validity of groundwater use for different purposes. Groundwater uses
2. Regional and local hydrogeochemical studies and determination of groundwater quality. Groundwater Quality
3. Identification of sources of salinization and treatment methods
It is achieved through chemical analysis of water and includes ions, elements, and field and laboratory measurements.
Projects are usually completed according to a general plan and in the general default order taking into account the circumstances and objectives of each research.
1. Conducting the desk study and collecting the relevant information related to the research area
2. An exploratory field survey of the water points (wells) represented in the study area
3. Taking hydraulic measurements, including stable and mobile aquifers
4. Taking field measurements, including measurements of water temperature, air, acidity, electrical conductivity and salinity of groundwater.
5. Conducting pumping experiments in the case of availability of pumping conditions and requirements of pumps and electrical energy and conducting chemical analysis of wells water samples in terms of primary and secondary ions
6. Interpret the results and write the research.
3. Desert Development Section.
Establishment: The Desert Development Section was established under Ministerial Development Orders No. 8517 in 2008.
 The message: -
Distinguishing knowledge and scientific research and meeting the comprehensive requirements for creativity and improvement of the objectives of the department, through the research excellence and provide consultations and bridges of communication with other sections of the Center and research centers to achieve sustainable development.
Vision: - To achieve leadership within the directions of the Center for Desert Studies in Higher Education, Scientific Research, Innovation, Creativity and Integration in Knowledge and Research Sciences towards the establishment of real development of land resources in this dry environment.
 Objectives of the Department of Desert Development: 
It seeks to achieve goals at the local, national and international level through conducting studies and research on the development of desert areas through the following:.
1- Providing expertise and consulting and providing academic programs and scientific disciplines that meet the requirements of development and the needs of the community in dry desert environment.
2 - Achieving the bonds of cooperation and interaction at the organizational levels in support of creative and innovative activities and making them incubators of developmental contributions to achieve the directions of the Center for Desert Studies.
3 - Employment of scientific research to serve development and labor market requirements to ensure the national vision in the reform and construction.
4. Dissemination of knowledge, dissemination of contents, concepts, scientific behavior, value and focus on aspects of desert development and scientific research.
5. Exchange of scientific and research experiences with the other sections of the Center and towards universities and scientific institutions locally, Arab and worldwide.
6. Conduct basic and applied scientific research and studies in various fields related to the exploration, development and management of natural resources in the Iraqi desert, especially in relation to water, soil, plant, animal, human and non-traditional energy.
7. Achieving balance and sustainability of ecosystems in desert areas (vegetation, forests, irrigation, groundwater and animals, rocks and industrial minerals).
8 - Study and follow up the manifestations of desertification and propose the appropriate means to reduce and reduce the risks.
9. Establishment of an information bank for land resources in the Iraqi desert.