Symposium participation
Symposium participation


Under the patronage and attendance of (Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Nida), the Honorable President of Anbar University, the Center for Strategic Studies participated in the scientific symposium, Upper Euphrates Basin Center / University of Anbar entitled (Water Security between Reality and Challenges), represented by the Director of the Center for Strategic Studies (Prof. Dr. Thaer Shaker Mahmoud) and (Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz Khader Abbas Al-Jassim), Adviser to the President of Anbar University for Public Relations and Head of the Heritage and Civilization Department at the Center for Strategic Studies, and (Prof. Dhiyaa Khamis Ali Al-Dulaimi), who participated in the fourth topic of the symposium entitled (Evaluation of the role of agricultural production components affecting agricultural development in Anbar Governorate).