Strategic Studies Series ... Study No. (10)
Strategic Studies Series ... Study No. (10)


ISIS in Anbar Province (From remaining and expanding... to mortal and dissipating)


The ideology of ISIS was cultivated in the Anbari soil in stages according to a known and planned chronology, so it produced ideological extremism, and this extremism produced the unbridled terrorism of ISIS, especially by igniting sectarian conflicts as between Sunnis and Shiites, and religious conflicts between Muslims and other religions, and nationalism between Arabs and Kurds, these conflicts It has taken an extirpatory and marginal character, and this does not mean that ISIS and its ideology are imported to a certain extent, but it was also due to the political, cultural, economic, social and psychological conditions that helped spread its virus in a terrible manner in Anbar Governorate, by taking advantage of the incubators of the insurgency that formed an environment suitable for its growth, and the basis of that environment It is the absence of true reconciliation, the feeling of discrimination and exclusion, sectarian quotas, external financing of terrorism and its use to serve the interests of the funded countries, in addition to the failure of the state administration in managing the multiple society to reach political and societal stability.