A Consultative Meeting with Political Sciences Department
A Consultative Meeting with Political Sciences Department

The Scientific Committee of the Center for Strategic Studies at Anbar University held a consultative meeting with the Scientific Committee of the Department of Political Science in the College of Law and Political Science at Anbar University on Wednesday - January 23, 2019. The meeting was chaired by the President of Anbar University, Prof. Dr. Khaled Battal Al-Najm, who directed at the beginning of the meeting to the necessity of engaging the work between the Center and the Department of Political Science to reach a fruitful research and scientific integration for both parties. The meeting discussed ways to overcome obstacles and research partnerships to establish a constructive and fruitful research cooperation that meets the needs of the province and the country and keeps pace with the developments of the Iraqi and Anbari situation. It was agreed at the conclusion of the meeting, which lasted for more than two hours, to hold regular periodic meetings between the center and the department to follow up and evaluate the progress of joint research work between the two parties.