Hosting the director of the center in the university council session
Hosting the director of the center in the university council session

 Anbar University Council holds its seventh open session for the academic year 2020-2021

Anbar University Council held its seventh open session for the academic year (2020-2021) in the council’s meeting room, headed by the President of the University, Prof. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada and in the presence of all the members of the Council, and the attendance of the deans of the faculties (Applied Sciences / Heat, Basic Education / Modern, and Education / Al-Qaim) electronically through the (Meet) application due to the urgent need for their presence in their faculties to follow the attendance and electronic exams in their faculties and deal with Every problem may arise.

In the beginning, the President of the University welcomed the members of the Council and the guests, and extended his great thanks and appreciation to the assistants, deans of faculties, college councils and examination committees for their great efforts in making the electronic and attendance exams for the second stages upwards and the electronic exams for the first stage currently underway, and they drew beautiful pictures in the parental interaction Wise with our students.

The president of the university offered his congratulations to the academic family in Iraq on the occasion of the establishment of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate, praising the efforts of the academics in serving the scientific process at the university in a way that achieves the interest of the country and advances the wheel of community development in it and community service in Iraq.

His Excellency praised the great success achieved by the International Scientific Conference on Modern Agricultural Technologies, which was held by the College of Agriculture in partnership with the College of Agricultural Engineering at Salah al-Din University in Erbil. For his great support for the conference, this support that showed good fruits in the success of the conference, and he made it clear that the presence of university officials represented by the President of the University and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for all sessions of the conference won the admiration and high appreciation of the members of Salah al-Din University, and Salah al-Din University and other universities have expressed their desire to hold Joint scientific conferences with the University of Anbar, due to the great scientific and administrative potential of the University of Anbar, which was demonstrated by the university's presence in the conference.

His Excellency prayed to God Almighty to have mercy on those who died from Corona among the university’s affiliates, and asked the members of the Council to recite Surat Al-Fatihah for all their souls. He also prayed to God Almighty to grant recovery to those who were infected with the Corona epidemic among the university’s affiliates. During the meeting, the Council received the news of the death of the former President of the University (Prof. Dr. Abdul Hadi Rajab Habib Al-Hiti) this morning in the United Arab Emirates. The President of the University and the members of the Council expressed their deep sorrow for this news. Serving the university during his tenure as president of the university, and he prayed to God Almighty to have mercy on him and to dwell in his vast gardens and to help his family patience and solace.

The council hosted:

1. The Director of the Center for Strategic Studies (Prof. Dr. Thaer Shaker Mahmoud), who expressed his thanks and gratitude to the President of the University and the members of the Council for hosting him and providing him with the opportunity to introduce the Center and present its needs to the deans of the faculties and to support the Center and its affiliates, and made a presentation (Power Point) It included a brief introduction about the center and its activities and presented the most important research and studies issued by the center. The Director of the Center for Strategic Studies stated that the Center was considered among the partners of the Middle East Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in the United Kingdom / Britain, and under this partnership, the Center will have the opportunity to form joint research teams between the Center’s researchers and the researchers of the said institute, which are international research teams . For his part, the President of the University valued the efforts of the Director of the Center for Strategic Studies and its affiliates, which resulted in developing the performance of the Center and pushing the scientific wheel in it. The Center has also turned into an attractive environment for distinguished researchers at the University.

2. The representative of the teaching staff in the University Council (Prof. Dr. Ahmed Nouri Rashid), who presented the proposals and needs of the teaching staff. The President of the University praised the representative of the teaching staff in communicating with the teaching staff and raising their needs and suggestions to the University Council, and the President of the University praised the The university has played the great role of the teachers during the electronic and attendance exams, and their great understanding of the conditions of students and their parental cooperation with the needs of our dear students.

3. The representative of the students of the University of Anbar in the university council, the student in the College of Agriculture (Nasr Ali Khalaf), who expressed his great happiness at meeting the president of the university and the members of the council, and pledged to make his efforts to provide everything that serves the university and its students, and to be the link between the university council And its students, explaining the awareness of the students of Anbar University and their understanding of the difficult conditions that the country is going through in general and the university and its students in particular. Nasr Ali Khalaf) chose him as a student representative on the university council, explaining that his choice to represent students is a great trust and a great responsibility that requires him to exert efforts and permanent positive communication with student representatives on college councils, follow up on students’ needs and submit them to university officials.

4. The Chairman of the Central Academic Promotions Committee (Prof. Dr. Rasmi Mohamed Hamad) to discuss matters related to academic promotions.

After that, the members of the Council dealt with the topics on the agenda of the session, and the Council decided to promote a blessed group of university teachers to the rank of professor.