The continuation of the ongoing work in the rehabilitation of the Faculty of Agriculture / Ramadi site

The continuation of the ongoing work in the rehabilitation of the Faculty of Agriculture / Ramadi site


The continuation of the ongoing work in the rehabilitation of the Faculty of Agriculture / Ramadi site
And continue efforts heroes faithful -Your charge of the work to rehabilitate the College of Agriculture / / Ramadi -hat site carried out the following actions:
1. Rehabilitation of Animal Production Department, who suffered extensive damage.
2. treatment and lifting rockets and unexploded ordnance in the streets of the college in cooperation with the competent security devices.
3. attempt to save some of the scientific instruments and laboratory supplies from the rubble of the sections that were completely collapse.
Long live your efforts and God bless .....
May God protect Iraq and Iraqis from all evil ... and thank God
Prof. Dr
Mohamed O. Ghadeer al-Obeidi
Dean of the College of Agriculture / University of Anbar

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