Cheating in exams...its causes and ways to avoid and treat it


Written by - M.M.: Abdul Hamid Hayes Matar

    The phenomenon of cheating in exams is one of the most common negative phenomena in schools around the world. Cheating is a global phenomenon, and the way to deal with this phenomenon varies from one place to another.

Cheating is one of the most serious problems facing education, and has the greatest impact on society and on the student himself. The cheating student often combines the trait of lying with cheating because he tries to justify cheating with flimsy and false arguments.

Also, a student who is accustomed to cheating in exams is a negative member of society, always dependent on others, not characterized by creativity and production, and his self-confidence is non-existent and he is unable to bear responsibility. As for leaking exams from a psychological perspective, it is primarily an ethical issue, as The exam is considered a source of intimidation and intimidation. We must change the fears we have become accustomed to regarding the exam, and this requires stopping traditional exams. When we prepare an exam, we do not care about the amount of achievement and learning. But what matters to us is measuring the degree of capabilities that have been developed in him and the effort to create them.

Students commit cheating for several reasons, most of which are psychological, the most important of which are:

- The student feels weak in his understanding and academic achievement.

- The student’s lack of responsibility and lack of seriousness towards school.

- Too many assignments and the student gets bored with studying and hates it.

- The student feels fear and anxiety about the exam and failure.

- Parents pressure the student to obtain grades by any means.

- Lack of religious motivation and lack of fear of God.

  A set of tips to help the student reject and stop the phenomenon of cheating in exams, and avoid cases of cheating during the exam.

- Raising children on correct religious values and foundations.

- Instilling the value of submission to God Almighty’s supervision in every place, even in the absence of the teacher’s supervision.

- Activating the role of parents to get rid of this phenomenon, through parents’ councils and their periodic meetings.

- Forcing the cheating student to communicate with the educational counselor to find a solution to his wrong behavior.

- Establishing strict and clear penalties for cheaters.

- Encourage students to keep their papers covered.

- Do more than one different version of the test.

- Setting strict rules for students while they are taking the test.

There are several measures that must be followed to reduce the phenomenon of leaking exams, the first of which is changing the format of exams and the format of the exam paper, so that it relies on 4 or 5 parts for measurement, including remembering, understanding, inference, analysis, and innovation, and training teachers on modern methods of setting exams. The person who sets the exams must be a practitioner of the educational process, emphasizing that exams are a true reflection of the status and level of education in any country.

There are also solutions to confront this phenomenon by using modern technology that prevents transmission and reception “on the Internet” and mobile phones. This technology can be used in all places that have committees, or the “Internet” can be completely cut off, starting from the beginning of opening the envelopes of exam questions and for a period of a quarter of an hour from The start of the exam is the period allowed for the student to be late in entering the exam committees, and the student who is caught cheating in the exams is permanently expelled and deprived of taking the exams again

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